The May shows are now a memory. The last one here in New England was Cummington, the Masachusetts Sheep & Wool last weekend. It is a smallish festival, but great fun. While there on Saturday, I managed to buy myself a second spindle by
Bill Hardy. It is a beautiful spindle made from three woods, the whirl from olive. I haven't wanted to put it down. While there I also bought 6 oz. of a beautifully blended llama and silk. It is a perfect combination for the spindle.

I am experimenting with different ways to take the yarn off the spindle and store it for plying. Here is a picture of a small weaving bobbin that I have filled using an old bobbin winder I picked up years ago at a yard sale.
Oooh that llama/silk looks luscious! And your spindle is gorgeous and your spindle spun yarn is as well.
Good thinking to use weaving bobbins.
That Hardy spindle looks like a gem. Such a decadent combination of fibers!
I was wondering about that bobbin when I saw it on your blog. The llama/silk looks just gorgeous and I imagine it's incredibly soft.
Beautiful spindle! Your experiment is producing lovely results! I was recently reading an article that suggested winding off onto a noste' and then plying from the resulting center pull...much like what you would do with the turkish...
The weaving bobbin is a very clever idea! It sure beats the old "empty toilet roll" solution I have been known to resort to...
Love the grain in that spindle whorl. It's gorgeous.
Yes that spindle is gorgeous. But llama and silk, Yum!
Lovely spindle with a lush combination of llama and silk , total bliss :)
Great use for the bobbin
I wonder if there is any way to make a bobbin that slips on the spindle and would stay in place. that way you could wind onto a bobbin as you go.... Hmmm.... I know it would add weight, but other than that, is there a reason this idea wouldn't work?
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